Updated 2022-12-16
    Block_timestamp as Date,
    Amount as "Sent Amount",
    Token_Contract as "Sent Currency",
    0 as "Recieved Amount",
    '' as "Recieved Currency",
    '' as "Fee Amount",
    '' as "Fee Currency",
    '' as "Net Worth Amount",
    '' as "Net Worth Currency",
    'withdraw' as Label,
    recipient as Description,
    tx_id as TxHash
    FROM flow.core.ez_token_transfers
    where sender = '0xdf868d4de6d2e0ab'
    and tx_succeeded = TRUE
    Block_timestamp as Date,
    0 as "Sent Amount",
    '' as "Sent Currency",
    Amount as "Recieved Amount",
    Token_Contract as "Recieved Currency",
    '' as "Fee Amount",
    '' as "Fee Currency",
    '' as "Net Worth Amount",
    '' as "Net Worth Currency",
    'deposit' as Label,
    sender as Description,
    tx_id as TxHash
    FROM flow.core.ez_token_transfers
    where recipient = '0xdf868d4de6d2e0ab'
    and tx_succeeded = TRUE
    Run a query to Download Data