0xHaM-dFee on three platforms
    Updated 2022-11-25
    WITH priceTb as (
    HOUR::date as p_date,
    avg(price) as price_usd
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
    WHERE symbol in ('WETH')
    GROUP by 1,2
    , generatedFee as (
    block_timestamp::date as date,
    'Bebop' as platfrom,
    count(DISTINCT TX_HASH) as tx_cnt,
    sum(TX_FEE * price_usd) as fee_amt_usd,
    sum(tx_cnt) over (order by date) as cum_tx_cnt,
    sum(fee_amt_usd) over (order by date) as cum_fee_amt_usd
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions a join priceTb b on a.block_timestamp::date = b.p_date
    WHERE TX_JSON:to = '0xaf0b0000f0210d0f421f0009c72406703b50506b'
    group by 1
    -- )
    -- , uniswapFee as (
    block_timestamp::date as date,
    'Uniswap' as platfrom,
    count(DISTINCT TX_HASH) as tx_cnt,
    sum(TX_FEE * price_usd) as fee_amt_usd,
    sum(tx_cnt) over (order by date) as cum_tx_cnt,
    sum(fee_amt_usd) over (order by date) as cum_fee_amt_usd
    FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions a join priceTb b on a.block_timestamp::date = b.p_date
    WHERE tx_hash in (SELECT TX_HASH FROM ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps WHERE PLATFORM = 'uniswap-v3')
    AND BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date >= '2022-09-29'
    group by 1
    -- )
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