Quarterly Performance Report

    Based on the findings in the dashboard, here are the key takeaways: 1. The Q1 2022 was the busiest quarter for Osmosis in terms of new and active users, transaction count, LP transactions, and liquidity provided volume. However, these metrics decreased until the end of Q1 2023, except for the new user count, which increased in Q1 2023. 2. Liquidity providing metrics, including active liquidity providers, LP transactions, and liquidity provided volume, followed a similar trend and peaked in Q1 2022, then significantly decreased until Q1 2023. 3. Delegation metrics, such as the number of delegators and staking volume, also followed a similar trend and peaked in Q1 2022, then significantly decreased until Q1 2023, with some fluctuations in between. 4. Swap metrics, including the count of unique swappers and swapped volume, also peaked in Q1 2022 and then significantly decreased until Q1 2023, except for the swap transactions, which increased in Q1 2023. 5. The launch of the Mars protocol in Osmosis in February 2023 had a significant impact on the transaction count, unique active users, and new users, which increased after the launch date. Overall, the dashboard highlights the growth and fluctuations of various metrics in the Osmosis ecosystem over the past year and provides insights into the impact of the Mars protocol's launch on the platform.