Terra - 4. Terradash Part 3: Development


    Luna 2.0 is the brand new token of the new Terra blockchain intended to rescue the Terra Luna ecosystem following the stablecoin collapse.

    Dubbed the Luna rebirth, TerraForm Labs founder Do Kwon's proposal saw new chain replace the existing Terra network. Alongside this, Luna 2.0 replaced the existing version of Luna. It has severed ties to the UST stablecoin that saw the crash happen in the first place.

    Alongside the new chain, most of the dApps will also migrate to the new chain. Most other features will transfer over, according to Terra[1].

    Terraform labs decided to bring back the altcoin after the big drop, but this time without any ties to the algorithmic stablecoin. Terra 2.0, a new version of the Terra blockchain, was released by its creators. We've rebranded the old Terra chain as Terra Luna Classic. When compared to the original token's supply of 6.5 trillion, the new LUNA 2.0's total locked supply of 1.0 billion is a huge improvement. Token holders who already own LUNA will receive an airdrop of 35% of the new tokens. Before the UST crash, those who held LUNA 2.0 received 10%, and those who still hold LUNA Classic and UST received 25%. The remaining 30% is distributed to LUNA investors[2].


    In this dashboard I tried to find the count of active and new deployed contracts and evaluate the interactions with its.

    So for this purpose I used terra.core.fact_transactions table and filtered the tx column by tx:body:messages[0]:contract method.

    Also, the terra.core.dim_address_labels table was used to identify the contracts by its label.

    This dashboard was made in a parametric mode with selectable time frequency, past days as the calculation time period, and stablecoin to choose your desirable options after logging in to Flipsidecrypto.

    Then I used the queries in adriaparcerisas#5642’s dashboard and modified those. thanks to him.


    :hourglass_flowing_sand: Overall View

    ✍🏻 Conclusion

    As of Findings above:

    • There hasn't been a significant uptick in weekly contracts, with the exception of mid-August and late-November, when values of fifty new contracts were again reached.
    • The total number of new contracts shows a relatively smooth upward trend.
    • In terms of contract names, Terra Poker and Valkyrie have seen the most action, respectively, while Terra users have made the most use of both.
    • Token contracts account for the vast majority of all contracts created, with DeFi and DEX contracts coming in second and third, respectively.
    • The amount of stablecoins entering circulation is greater than the amount leaving it.
    • When compared to its rival, axlUSDT, axlUSDC has seen significantly more adoption as a stablecoin.
    • Stablecoins are being added to the ecosystem by a larger number of users than are being taken out.
    • axlUSDC is more widely traded and the most popular stablecoin.
    • In terms of cumulative volume, axlUSDC once again has the upper hand over axlUSDT.
    • If we look at the two stablecoins, axlUSDT and axlUSDC, we can see that the axlUSDC stablecoin has much higher total volume for both inflows and outflows.


    Terra 2.0 Development

    Construct a dashboard that displays the number of new contracts deployed and the total number of contracts deployed each week over the past several months. Your dashboard should also chart the development of stablecoins, including any supply trends.

    We are not looking for data on Terra Classic for this bounty.

    The following metrics will assessed:

    • Count of new deployed contracts weekly and overall
    • In and outflows of stablecoins on the ecosystem
    • Inflow/Outflow transfer stablecoins from the ecosystem

    Hey there 👋!

    Firstly, I appreciate you sticking with it until the conclusion.

    I'm Hamed, a civil engineering Ph.D.

    student interested in data analysis.

    I've made many similar dashboards and visualizations since I started at Flipside in January.

    Please take a look at my various contact details and let me know what you think.


    :mag_right: Findings:

    The distribution of users interacted and transactions count of top contracts are shown in the PIE charts right.

    Also as of PIE charts bellow, the deployed contracts are belong to DEXs, Tokens, Defi

    :hourglass_flowing_sand: Stablecoin’s Inflow/Outflow Overview


    If we examine the stablecoins operating within the new Terra ecosystem in greater depth, we see that there are more incoming funds than outgoing ones; this bodes well for the longevity of the network.

    Compared to its rival, axlUSDT, axlUSDC is clearly the most popular stablecoin.

    There has never been a week where a greater number of transactions occurred from Terra to axlUSDC than the other way around. On the other hand, alUSDT has offered more variety.

    :hourglass_flowing_sand: Selected Stablecoin’s Inflow/Outflow Overview


    :mag_right: Findings:

    In this section I examined the turn over of stablecoins by selected stablecoin (aslUSDC by default) to track the inflow and outflow of stablecoins individually.

    You can change it to other option by the above parameters fields.

    At the end, these last two graphs show the differences between the average and total volume transferred to and from Terra by week.

    We can see that the inflows is too higher than outflows

    :mag_right: Findings:

    The bar chart right shows count of active and new deployed contracts since 6 past moths.

    As can be seen, the number of weekly deployed new contracts peaked at over 100 in the last week of July, and the number of active contracts peaked in the last week of November.

    991 of the 1160 active contracts are new and have been deployed within the last 6 months.

    The Astroport protocol is the most popular contract, accounting for 54.6% of all transactions.

    :mag_right: Findings:

    The charts right show the top 10 deployed contracts by the most transactions count and most users usage.

    As can be seen Terra Poker Token has had the most transactions on third week of August and in total with over 21K transactions.

    Also, the most users interact with Valkerie on the second week of July, so that this contract with over 1670 user usages is the top contract by the most users interaction.

    :mag_right: Findings:

    The charts right show the inflow, outflow of stablecoins (axlUSDC & axlUSDT) and netflow to Terra 2.0 ecosystem over past 6 months.

    The most transactions ount took place on second week of September with 514 transactions into and 384 transactions out from Terra 2.0.

    The most volume inflowed to ecosystem in second week of November by $6.13M net flow (inflow minus outflow)
