0xaimanAverage Initial Capital by Traders with Most Profited NFT flips
    Updated 2022-06-07

    select minter, count(tx_id) as n_profitable_trade, avg(mint_price) as avg_init_capital
    from (with m as (select program_id,mint,
    tx_id, purchaser as minter,minT_price
    from solana.fact_nft_mints

    where mint_currency='So11111111111111111111111111111111111111111'

    order by 1),
    s as (

    select mint,sales_amount, min(block_timestamp) as ft
    from solana.fact_nft_sales
    group by 1,2 order by 1
    select minter, program_id,tx_id, mint_price, sales_amount, sales_amount-mint_price as profit, case
    when profit>0 then 'profitted' else 'loss' end as pnl
    from m inner join s on m.mint=s.mint)
    where pnl='profitted'
    group by 1 order by 2 desc

    limit 100
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