0xaimanTsaker vs time thor
    Updated 2022-05-21

    select date(t) as date, count(tx_from_address) as n_staker from(
    with thor_acn as (select tx_id
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    where --event_name='DelegateVotesChanged' and
    -- tx_id='0x1811392f80a36e6ccf8d1c8e48bcbb92038c280a1a4579a67e9a59f349e6a140' and
    contract_name='thorswap: thor token' and

    thor_v as (

    select *
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    where event_name='DelegateVotesChanged' and tx_to_address='0x815c23eca83261b6ec689b60cc4a58b54bc24d8d'
    and block_timestamp>='2022-05-01'

    select thor_acn.tx_id, block_timestamp as t, event_inputs, --event_inputs:newBalance/1e18 as nb, event_inputs:previousBalance/1e18 as pb,
    tx_from_address, tx_to_address, contract_address
    from thor_acn
    inner join thor_v on thor_acn.tx_id=thor_v.tx_id

    ) group by 1 order by 1
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