0xaimanAAVE Health Factor
    Updated 2021-11-21
    WITH healthdata as (select user,collateral, sum_col_amount_usd,
    sum_borrowed_amount_usd,Liquidation_Treshold, ----5)this is to calculate health factor of each address correpond to its collateral
    (sum_col_amount_usd-Liquidation_treshold)/(sum_borrowed_amount_usd) as Health_Factor
    (with data1 as(with col as (
    depositor_address,symbol as collateral ,tx_id,supplied_usd ---1) This is to identify the collateral depositor and the collateralized token
    FROM aave.deposits


    bor as(
    tx_id,borrowed_usd ----- 2) this is to gather the tx_id and the borrowing data
    FROM aave.borrows

    select depositor_address as user,collateral, sum(supplied_usd) as sum_col_amount_usd,
    sum(borrowed_usd) as sum_borrowed_amount_usd,count(bor.tx_id) as n_txn
    from COL
    inner join bor on bor.tx_id=col.tx_id ---3) This is to combine the step 1) and 2)
    where borrowed_usd is not null
    group by 1,2 order by 4 desc


    select user,collateral, sum_col_amount_usd, sum_borrowed_amount_usd,
    case when collateral='WETH' then '0.825'
    when collateral='USDC' then '0.85'
    when collateral='WBTC' then '0.75'
    when collateral='LINK' then '0.75'
    when collateral='DAI' then '0.80'
    when collateral='YFI' then '0.55'
    when collateral='AAVE' then '0.65'
    when collateral='UNI' then '0.65'
    when collateral='MKR' then '0.65' --4) this is to assign the liquidation treshold to each collateral token
    Run a query to Download Data