    Updated 2022-11-29
    with a as (select *, inner_instructions[1]:instructions[3]:accounts[12] from solana.core.fact_transactions
    where inner_instructions[1]:instructions[3]:accounts[12]= 'yootn8Kf22CQczC732psp7qEqxwPGSDQCFZHkzoXp25'),
    b as ( select mint from solana.core.fact_nft_mints m
    inner join a on a.tx_id=m.tx_id),
    c as (select trf.* from solana.core.fact_transfers trf
    inner join b on b.mint=trf.mint),

    d as (select mint, max(block_timestamp) as tm
    from c
    group by 1)

    select case when n_y00ts_nft_hold<=5 then 'Owns 1 to 5 y00ts NFT'
    when n_y00ts_nft_hold>5 and n_y00ts_nft_hold<=10 then 'Owns 6 to 10 y00ts NFT'
    when n_y00ts_nft_hold>10 and n_y00ts_nft_hold<=25 then 'Owns 11 to 25 y00ts NFT'
    when n_y00ts_nft_hold>25 and n_y00ts_nft_hold<=50 then 'Owns 26 to 50 y00ts NFT'
    when n_y00ts_nft_hold>50 then 'Owns more than 50 y00ts NFT' end as holdings, count(distinct tx_to) as n_unique_holders

    from (select TX_TO, count( distinct d.mint) as n_y00ts_nft_hold
    from c inner join d on c.block_timestamp=d.tm
    group by 1 order by 2 desc)
    group by 1

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