0xaimannew minter since airdrop
    Updated 2021-12-19

    select week, n_minter as new_minter, sum(new_minter) OVER(ORDER BY week asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_new_minter

    from (with firstdate as (select tx_from_address as ad1, min(block_timestamp) as t
    from ethereum.events_emitted

    where --tx_id='0x9fe341e2f9715e3a5a2e73a47d3907cdf63fb9e085dee5bb6840596672c5ece7' and
    event_name='NameRegistered' and
    group by 1

    newuser as (select block_timestamp as t1,tx_from_address as ad2
    from ethereum.events_emitted

    where --tx_id='0x9fe341e2f9715e3a5a2e73a47d3907cdf63fb9e085dee5bb6840596672c5ece7' and
    event_name='NameRegistered' and

    select date_trunc('week',t) as week , count(ad1) as n_minter
    from firstdate
    inner join newuser on firstdate.t=newuser.t1
    group by 1 order by 1

    where week>'2021-11-09'