0xaimanWhat percentage of the average Solana's user portfolio is staked Solana?
    Updated 2022-07-05

    select sol_used_in_staking, count(STAKER) as n_staker from (select STAKER, INIT_SOL, STAKED_SOL, PS, case
    when ps>0 and ps<=10 then '0% to 10% '
    when ps>10 and ps<=20 then '10% to 20% '
    when ps>20 and ps<=30 then '20% to 30% '
    when ps>30 and ps<=40 then '30% to 40% '
    when ps>40 and ps<=50 then '40% to 50% '

    when ps>50 and ps<=60 then '50% to 60% '
    when ps>60 and ps<=70 then '60% to 70% '
    when ps>70 and ps<=80 then '70% to 80% '
    when ps>80 and ps<=90 then '80% to 90% '
    when ps>90 and ps<=100 then '90% to 100% '
    end as sol_used_in_staking
    from (with raw as (with se as (select tx_id,instruction:parsed:info:stakeAuthority as staker ,
    instruction:parsed:info:stakeAccount as stake_act
    from solana.core.fact_events

    where event_type='delegate' --and tx_id='3SVGeFnyzg1mpuoQj6mW93Q7CQvEk5EeK8BTqBcG6U8k9UNDhPV9WRY46qoPs1vgYEiQ7pBryxTtCPFJFyLAqcmu'

    order by 2),

    txn as (
    select block_timestamp,

    account_keys[1]:pubkey as stac,
    tx_id, pre_balances[0]/10e8 as SOL_prebal,
    post_balances[0]/10e8 as SOL_postbal,
    SOL_prebal-SOL_postbal as SOl_staked
    from solana.core.fact_transactions
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