0xaimanMontlhy Transaction Volume per DEXs
    Updated 2022-06-25
    with swapsx as (with
    -- '0x881d40237659c251811cec9c364ef91dc08d300c')
    mm as (select distinct from_address from ethereum.core.fact_transactions where to_address=lower('0x881d40237659c251811cec9c364ef91dc08d300c') ),

    txn as (select block_timestamp, mm.from_address, tx_hash, to_address from ethereum.core.fact_transactions as ft inner join mm on mm.from_address=ft.from_address)

    select from_address,block_timestamp, tx_hash, ADDRESS, ADDRESS_NAME, LABEL_TYPE, LABEL from ethereum.core.dim_labels as l inner join txn on txn.to_address=l.address
    where label_type='dex')

    select date_trunc('month',block_timestamp) as month, label, count(tx_hash) as n_txn
    from swapsx

    where label='uniswap' or
    label='metamask' or
    label ='sushiswap' or
    label ='1inch' or

    group by 1,2 order by 1

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