0xaimantest 1
    Updated 2022-04-11
    -- UST sells at more than 1 USD

    with aa as (with a as (select price_usd as UP, luna_exchange_rate as LP,date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as e from terra.oracle_prices where symbol = 'UST' and price_usd<1 order by block_timestamp desc limit 1)

    --buy 1 ust at this price
    UP*1 as a, LP, UP,
    --swap that 1 ust to get this much of LUNA
    1/LP as b,
    -- sell that luna to get this much usd
    b * LP as c,
    -- profit is
    c-a as d, e
    from a)
    select e as "Date", UP as "Price of 1 USt in USD",
    a as "Buy 1 UST using this amount of USD",
    b as "Use that 1 UST to get this amount of LUNA",
    c as "Trade that amount of Luna to get this much in USD",
    d as "Profit (USD)" from aaSD",LP as "Price of 1 LUNA in USD", a as "Get 1 UST using this amount (10 usd worth) of LUNA", b as "Swap the 1 UST to get this much USD ", c as "Profit (USD)", c/LP as "Profit in LUNA" from aa
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