0xaimanmonkeDAO whale voters yes
    Updated 2022-04-19

    select category, count(distinct address) as n_address
    from (with
    --smb purchaser table
    sp as (with
    a as (select distinct mint from solana.dim_nft_metadata where project_name='Solana Monkey Business'),
    b as (select purchaser,mint,tx_id from solana.fact_nft_sales where succeeded = true and block_timestamp <= '2022-03-05')
    select purchaser, tx_id from a inner join b on a.mint=b.mint),
    --yes voter table
    va as ( with a as ( SELECT
    instructions[0]:accounts[0] as a, instructions[0]:accounts[1] as b, instructions[0]:accounts[2] as c, instructions[0]:accounts[3] as d, instructions[0]:accounts[4] as e, instructions[0]:accounts[5] as f, instructions[0]:accounts[6] as g
    block_timestamp <= '2022-03-05'
    AND block_timestamp >= '2022-02-15'
    AND succeeded = 'True'
    AND instructions[0]:programId = 'Daovoteq2Y28gJyme6TNUXT9TxXrePiouFuHezkiozci'
    AND instructions[0]:data ='Yjf5DvKUCfa2bPkYz4AiWs' )

    select distinct a from a union
    select distinct b from a union
    select distinct c from a union
    select distinct d from a union
    select distinct e from a union
    select distinct f from a union
    select distinct g from a )
    select purchaser as address, count (distinct tx_id) as n_smb_nft, case when n_smb_nft=1 then 'Fish'
    when n_smb_nft>1 and n_smb_nft<5 then 'Shark' else 'Whale' end as Category
    from sp inner join va on sp.purchaser=va.a group by 1 order by 2 desc )

    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data