0xaimanNew User Growth
    Updated 2022-05-25

    with c as (with a as (select date(mt) as date, count(swapper) as sol_n_address
    from (select swapper, min(block_timestamp) as mt
    from solana.fact_SWaps
    where swap_from_amount>0

    group by 1)

    where mt>'2022-01-01' and mt<'2022-05-01'
    group by 1 order by 1),

    b as (select date(mt2) as date2, count(from_address) as eth_n_new_address
    from (select from_address, min(block_timestamp) as mt2

    from ethereum.dex_swaps
    where amount_in>0

    group by 1)
    where mt2>'2022-01-01' and mt2<'2022-05-01'
    group by 1 order by 1)

    select date2, eth_n_new_address, sol_n_address
    from a inner join b on a.date=b.date2),

    d as (select date(mt3) as date, count( trader) as terra_n_address
    from ( select trader,min(block_timestamp) as mt3
    from terra.swaps
    where offer_amount>0
    group by 1)
    where mt3>'2022-01-01' and mt3<'2022-05-01'
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