0xaimanUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-11-15

    with outflow as (select *
    from (select *, datediff('day',dt,getdate()) as dd
    from (select date(block_timestamp) as dt,from_address, tx_hash, symbol, amount, amount_usd
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where tx_hash = '0x35187867f37c65d2d7fc9918d06c99977d9478bc3c57960b5c0245baf2186258' and
    origin_to_address = '0x4f4495243837681061c4743b74b3eedf548d56a5'
    where symbol = 'USDT' or symbol = 'USDC' or symbol = 'DAI')
    where dd<=30)

    select fel.* from ethereum.core.fact_traces fel
    inner join outflow on outflow.tx_hash = fel.tx_hash

    limit 1000
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