0xaimanprractice new user inflow
    Updated 2021-10-22
    --to define the frst date user joined, we must identify the date with the first nonzero balance
    --dailybalances table is too be used to identifyy the and filterr the wallets balance on the corresponding date
    /*with userjoindate as (select address, min(db.date) as datejoin, datediff(day,min(db.date),CURRENT_DATE) as durationsince
    -- this is to filter the first date that get positive bbalance
    FROM terra.daily_balances db
    where balance_usd> 0
    group by address

    -- this operation is to idenify the number of user that shares the first non-0zero balance
    select datejoin, count(address) as nuser

    from userjoindate
    where datejoin > '2021-01-01'
    group by datejoin order by datejoin asc


    select msg_value:sender::string,

    min(case when msg_value:contract='terra15gwkyepfc6xgca5t5zefzwy42uts8l2m4g40k6' then date(block_timestamp)end) as mirjoindate,
    min(case when msg_value:contract='terra1sepfj7s0aeg5967uxnfk4thzlerrsktkpelm5s' then date(block_timestamp)end) as ancjoindate
    from terra.msgs
    group by 1
    limit 10

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