0xaimanadd liquidity thorchain, who are users
    Updated 2022-05-23

    select date(t) as date, count(distinct asset_address) as n_new_unique_lp_address, sum(n_new_unique_lp_address) OVER(ORDER BY date asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cum_new_unique_lp_address from (
    with a as( select block_timestamp as t, tx_id, from_address
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where pool_name like 'ETH.%' and lp_action='add_liquidity'

    b as (select rune_tx_id,pool_name,asset_address , asset_tx_id, min(block_timestamp) as fd from (
    select * --block_timestamp,rune_tx_id, pool_name , asset_address, asset_tx_id, asset_e8, _asset_in_rune_e8
    from thorchain.stake_events

    where asset_e8>0 --or _asset_in_rune_e8>0
    group by 1,2,3,4 --order by 5

    select t,a.tx_id, b.pool_name,asset_address,asset_tx_id
    from a
    inner join b on a.tx_id=b.rune_tx_id
    )where t>'2022-05-01'

    group by 1 order by 1
    limit 100
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