0xaimanMIM Price and TXN volume
    Updated 2022-02-06

    with price as (select date_trunc('day',hour) as day, avg(price) as avg_price_daily
    from ethereum.token_prices_hourly
    where symbol='MIM' and hour>'2022-01-01'

    group by 1 order by 1),

    txn as (select date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) as day, count(tx_id) as n_txn
    from ethereum.events_emitted
    where contract_address='0x99d8a9c45b2eca8864373a26d1459e3dff1e17f3' and tx_succeeded='TRUE'
    and block_timestamp>'2022-01-01'

    group by 1 order by 1


    select price.day, avg_price_daily as avg_MIM_price, n_txn as MIM_txn_volume
    from price
    inner join txn on price.day=txn.day

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