0xaimanPools Participation after June 1st
    Updated 2022-06-21

    select lp_action ,layer_1, count(fa) as n_address
    from (
    with terralp as (select from_address
    from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action='add_liquidity' and asset_amount>0 and pool_name like 'TERRA.%'),

    lp as (select block_timestamp,from_address, lp_action, pool_name, case when pool_name like 'BTC.%' then 'Bitcoin'
    when pool_name like 'ETH.%' then 'Ethereum Assets'
    when pool_name like 'BNB.%' then 'Binance Chain Assets'
    when pool_name like 'TERRA.%' then 'Terra Luna Assets'
    when pool_name like 'DOGE.%' then 'Doge Assets'
    when pool_name like 'BCH.%' then 'Bitcoin Cash'
    when pool_name like 'LTC.%' then 'Litecoin'
    end as layer_1, rune_amount_usd, asset_amount_usd
    from flipside_prod_db.thorchain.liquidity_actions
    -- where lp_action='add_liquidity' and asset_amount>0
    where block_timestamp>'2022-06-01'
    and from_address is not null)

    select block_timestamp as t,terralp.from_address as fa, lp_action, layer_1, rune_amount_usd, asset_amount_usd
    from terralp inner join lp on terralp.from_address=lp.from_address)

    group by 1, 2 order by 1
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