0xaimanUST Competitive Advantages
    Updated 2022-05-05
    with a as (select date_trunc('day',t) as hr, count(tx_id) as tc1, avg(gas_wanted), avg(gas_used), max(fee_paid_ust) as max_fee1

    (Select block_timestamp as t,tx_from, tx_id, x.value:amount[0]:amount/1000000 as fee_paid_ust,gas_used,gas_wanted
    from terra.transactions, table(flatten(input=>fee))x
    where --tx_id='E3AFDE2C919C55D43ACB09DC318D3EE29C53F221CC18D51B3424973B599D440C' and

    group by 1 order by 1

    b as (select date_trunc('day',t) as hr2,count(tx_id) as tc2, max(fee_usd) as max_fee2 from(
    select block_timestamp as t,tx_id, fee_usd
    from ethereum.transactions
    where -- tx_id='0x155e07e744fe306963bafb49d416d3152f85312666d381f1a3f2621d3ebba2ce' and
    ) group by 1 order by 1)

    select a.hr, max_fee1, max_fee2, tc1 as UST_n_txn, tc2 as DAI_n_txn
    from A
    inner join b on a.hr=b.hr2

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