0xaimanWhich CEXs do they use?
    Updated 2022-06-22

    select origin_label, count(to_address) as n_address
    from (-- 1) identifying min(date) of sushi sent by CEX, by address
    with fcex as (select date(ft) as dt , origin_label, to_address
    from (
    select origin_label, to_address, min(block_timestamp) as ft
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where symbol='SUSHI' and origin_label_type='cex'

    and amount>0

    group by 1,2 order by 3
    ------2) min sushi balance date by address
    bal as (
    select balance_date, user_address
    from ethereum.erc20_balances

    where symbol='SUSHI' and balance>0

    ---3 ) this part compare date from CEX and balance date and decides if SUSHI come from CEX
    select dt ,balance_date, origin_label, to_address, case when dt>balance_date then 'SUSHI acquired from CEX'
    else 'SUSHI acquired from DEX' end as Source
    from fcex inner join bal on fcex.to_address=bal.user_address)

    group by 1 order by 2 desc
    Run a query to Download Data