0xaimanDaily Active Address Growth, Polygon
    Updated 2022-06-05

    select date_trunc('week',t) as week, count(addr) as n_address
    -- sum(n_address) OVER(ORDER BY date asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS tot_num_activ_addr

    from (with txn as (select from_address
    from (select from_address, count(tx_id) as nt
    from polygon.transactions
    where block_timestamp>='2022-02-01'

    group by 1 order by 1)
    where nt>1 and from_address!='0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'),

    day as (
    select block_timestamp, from_address
    from polygon.transactions
    -- where block_timestamp>='2022-02-01'

    -- where nt>1 and from_address!='0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'

    select block_timestamp as t, day.from_address as addr
    from day inner join txn on day.from_address=txn.from_address
    --where block_timestamp>='2022-01-01'

    group by 1 order by 1

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