0xaimanAverage ETH Balance over the Past Week
    Updated 2022-06-24
    select eth_avg_bal, count(user_address) as n_unique_address
    from (with mm as (select from_address, min(block_timestamp) as mt from ethereum.transactions
    where to_address=lower('0x881D40237659C251811CEC9c364ef91dC08D300C') and tx_fee>0
    group by 1 order by 2),

    balance as (select balance_date, a.user_address, balance from ethereum.erc20_balances a inner join mm on a.user_address=mm.from_address where contract_address='ETH')

    select date_trunc('week', balance_date) as week, user_address, avg(balance) as avg_bal, case when avg_bal=0 then '0 ETH'
    when avg_bal>0 and avg_bal<=1 then ' Between 0 and 1 ETH'
    when avg_bal>1 and avg_bal<=10 then ' Between 1 and 10 ETH'
    else ' more than 10 ETH' end as ETH_avg_bal
    from balance
    group by 1,2 order by 1)

    where week>'2022-06-11'

    group by 1

    limit 100
    Run a query to Download Data