2844percent of AlgoFi's user's that previously used Tinyman to perform swaps
    Updated 2022-03-28
    Tinyman_Algofi as
    (with algofi as (select distinct swapper as A_users
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_program like '%algofi%'
    and SWAP_FROM_AMOUNT > '0'
    tinyman as
    (select distinct swapper as T_users
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_program like '%tinyman%'
    and SWAP_FROM_AMOUNT > '0'
    select count(tinyman.T_users) as N_Algofi_tinyman_users
    from algofi, tinyman
    where algofi.A_users=tinyman.T_users),
    Algofi_users as
    select count(distinct swapper) as N_Algofi_users
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_program like '%algofi%'
    and SWAP_FROM_AMOUNT > '0')

    select ((Tinyman_Algofi.N_Algofi_tinyman_users)/ (Algofi_users.N_Algofi_users) * 100) as "percent of AlgoFi's uesrs that previously used Tinyman to perform swaps"
    from Algofi_users, Tinyman_Algofi
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