2844number of swaps for each stablecoin over the month of March 2022.
    Updated 2022-04-03
    select date_trunc ('day',block_timestamp) as date,
    count(swap_from_amount) as N_swaps,
    case when swap_from_asset_id= '31566704' then 'USDC'
    when swap_from_asset_id= '312769' then 'USDT'
    when swap_from_asset_id= '465865291' then 'STBL'
    end as stablecoin
    from algorand.swaps
    where swap_from_asset_id in ('31566704','312769','465865291')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-03-01' and block_timestamp < '2022-04-01'
    group by date,swap_from_asset_id
    order by date desc
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