5. Galactic Punks Pylon Gateway Deposit volume
We can also consider the daily volume of GP Pylon pool deposits and their cumulative value over time. The volume on the first day exceeded $3 million UST, but declined to under $300,000 on the fourth day, and continued to trail off with some variability.
This dashboard presents a simple analysis into the volume of deposits into Pylon's Galatic Punk UST pool.
The volume of deposits was determined through using Flipsides' terra.msg_events
table, and tracking the value of all transactions made into the GP UST Pylon Pool contract address (terra1jk0xh49ft2ls4u9dlfqweed8080u6ysumvmtcz)
The table below displays summary statistics for deposits into the Galatic Punk Pylon UST Pool.
- In total, almost 9.3 million UST has been deposited into the pool.
- The average deposit value is just over 1,900 UST, and
- An average of almost 620,000 UST has been deposited daily.