LBP Analysis, Part 2
A comparison of participants in the LBP, STT IDO and Apollo farming events
This dashboard provides an analysis into the participants across the HALO Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP), Star Terra IDO (STT IDO), and the Apollo farming event. It specifically seeks to provide information on two key areas:
Providing a full list of the participants in the Star Terra Halo sale, the Apollo farming event, and the LBP.
Determining whether participants from the Star Terra Halo sale and Apollo farming event participated in the HALO LBP. Which group of participants had the highest level of involvement in the LBP (STT users, Apollo farmers or users of both)?
The key technical components of this analysis are determining the addresses that participated in each event, and how many tokens they acquired during the LBP.
Determining participants of the LBP
Participant addresses and their net purchase amounts of HALO during the LBP were determined by tracking all UST-HALO swaps with the LBP contract (terra1hhpgcp2stvzx952zfxtxg4dhgf60yfzchesj3e).
Determining participants of the STT IDO
Participant addresses during the STT IDO were determined by finding all addresses that made transactions to join the IDO via the STT IDO contract (terra1plwvxr0923thz8hzcccstvtj2qj8zxfzzren7m).
Determining participants of the Apollo farming event
Participant addresses during the Apollo farming event were determined by finding all addresses that deposited into one of the farming pools, via the contract (terra1leadedadm2fguezmd4e445h6fe337yzq8n2dxf)
The amount of HALO tokens acquired by different groups of participants are visualised below:
- Addresses who participated in just the LBP (and did not join in on the STT IDO or Apollo farming event) brought the majority of HALO during the LBP.
- This is followed by those who participated in the LBP and Apollo farming events who acquired 20% (7 million HALO) of all HALO sold in the LBP.
- Addresses who participated in all three of the LBP, STT IDO and Apollo farming events acquired the lowest share of HALO tokens during the LBP (2 million HALO or 6.7% of all purchases)
The results are not necessarily suprising, given that STT IDO participants were offered a direct option to purchase HALO for the lowest price across all three events, and therefore had less incentive to participate in the LBP.
The analysis reveals that there was an overlap between participants of the LBP, STT IDO and Apollo farming event. The chat below visualises the number of participants of the LBP broken down by category:
- The majority of addresses (520) participated only in the LBP
- 191 addresses participated in both the LBP and Apollo farming event
- 135 addresses participated in the LBP, STT IDO and Apollo farming event
- Only 53 addresses participated in all three events.
(The participants of the STT IDO and Apollo farming event who did not join the LBP are not shown below, but are significant.)