ThorChain Bounty 23. [Easy] Swap Size


    This dashboard presents a simple analysis into the average value of swaps conducted on ThorChain.

    All results were obtained through analysis of Flipside's thorchain.swaps table.

    Average value of swaps by pool

    Average value of all swaps

    Overall there a few key trends:

    • There is considerable variation in average swap values across all pools. The ETH-FOX pool has an average swap value of over 16,000 USD while the BNB-AVA pool has the lowest average swap value of just 219 USD.
    • Ethereum token pools have a higher average swap value compared to BNB token pools.
    • While not shown below, the differences are in part driven by trade volume. BNB pools have substantially greater swap activity (volume and count), which usually leads to large trades having less influence on the average swap value.

    Considering swaps conducted across all Pools and days, the average swap size is approximately 2,284 USD. This is lower than the average swap size over the last week (26th Nov - 2nd December), which was nearly 2,700 USD.

    A breakdown of the daily average swap size is also shown below.