Thorchain net liquidity

    Visualising the amount of liquidity added and removed into Thorchain liquidity pools over time.


    This dashboard presents a simple analysis into the volume of liquidity being removed and added into Thorchain pools over time. Liquidity additions and removals were calculated using the thorchain.liqudity_actions table. All values are in USD terms.

    The USD value of liquidity added and removed (for all Thorchain pools combined) is first visualised separately, and then on net terms in the charts below.

    • Over time there has rarely been a day where total liquidity removed exceeds total liquidity added. As a result, there has been significant net inflows of liquidity into Thorchain.
    • November 3rd saw the largest net inflow of liquidity into Thorchain pools, prompted by the Thorstarter IDO.
    • There has been no additional liquidity supplied due to The liquidity cap being reached on November 12th.

    A more detailed analysis should look at disaggregating these figures by pool, and also looking at flows across pools in response to changes in token prices.