Thorchain upgrades
A comparison of RUNE upgrades from the BNB and ETH
Purpose and approach
This dashboard presents an analysis into the volume of ETH and BNB RUNE upgraded to native Thorchain RUNE over time and on aggregate.
The volume of rune upgraded over time was calculated from the thorchain.upgrades
table. The analysis considers the time period starting on April 10th 2021 and ending 2nd January 2022.
The chart below illustrates the daily volume of BNB and ETH RUNE upgrades over time. Immediately we can see that there is significantly more BNB.RUNE upgraded than ETH.RUNE on most days.
The pie chart and table below summarise rune upgrades in terms of daily average RUNE upgrades, and total RUNE upgraded across all days.
On average across all days considered in the analysis, 20% (3,472 RUNE per day) of rune upgraded was ETH.RUNE and 80% (13,435 RUNE per day) BNB.RUNE.
This differs considerably from the total volume of upgrades, which are influenced significantly by several days with massive BNB upgrade volumes. As a result almost 98% (350 million RUNE) of all RUNE ever upgraded is BNB.RUNE.
We can also visualise the percentage of all rune upgrades for each chain. We can see that on many days over 90% of upgrades are BNB.RUNE. However there on days when less BNB.RUNE is upgraded, the proportion of ETH.RUNE upgraded increases significantly.