Thorchain Wallet Address growth by time segment

    Analysing the impact of the Thorchain hack and network halt on new address creation


    New address creation on thorchain over time

    The graph immediately below visualises the number of new addresses created on Thorchain on each day. To compare across the time segments of interest, the graph is color coded based on which segment each day falls under.

    Overall we can see that:

    • Activity prior to the hack was variable and ranged between under 100 to over 1800 new addresses per day. This sharply dropped after the hack, when the network was shut down.
    • After the network reopened, there was a massive surge of new addresses being created, with up to 2,700 new addresses being created on a single day.
    • After the network halt, activity declined substantially, but remained stable above 100 new addresses per day.

    The second chart shows the average number of new addresses created per day for each time segment.


    The date a new address is created on Thorchain was approximated by finding the first date they interacted with any part of the Thorchain ecosystem, including:

    • swaps
    • transfers
    • liquidity provision
    • bonding
    • upgrades.

    The count of addresses first interacting with any of these components was determined by searching through the corresponding Thorchain Flipside table.

    This dashboard visualises the rate that new addresses are interacting with the Thorchain ecosystem over four distinct periods of time:

    • Before the hack: All dates prior to July 16th 2021
    • During the post hack shutdown: July 17th - September 23rd 2021
    • Prior to the network halt: September 24th - November 11th 2021
    • After the network halt: November 12th 2021 until today