Uniswap volume analysis
This dashboard presents a summary of recent trends for swap volume for the largest liquidity pools and on aggregate across Uniswap. The work is completed as a submission for the Flipside Uniswap bounty #43.
Total swap volumes across all Uniswap pools were calculated for the 10 calendar weeks staring in May 24th and ending August 1st.
Total volume was calculated as the sum of USD value of all swaps across all pools, except for the BORING-WETH pool due to abnormally high volumes.
Data source
The volume for all swaps were taken from Flipside's uniswaps V3 swaps table, using the field amount0_usd.
Weekly swap volumes over the last 10 weeks for each pool are summarized in the figures below. A key trend has been a large sustained decrease in swap volume for the USDC-ETH 0.05% pool, and a transition into the USDC-ETH 0.3% pool.
The weekly change (in volume and percentage terms) is visualised for each pool in the subsequent sections.
Based on the last weeks swap volume (26th of July to 1st of August) the top five pools are:
- USDC - WETH (500 10)
- USDC - WETH (3000 60)
- WETH - USDT (500 10)
- DAI - WETH (500 10)
- WBTC - WETH (500 10).
The numbers in brackets represent the pool fee and tick size respectively.
Over the past ten weeks:
- Total weekly swap volume was at a high of almost $10 billion in the last week of May.
- The week starting in May 31 saw the largest decline of $3.7 billion, with total swap volume falling to a low of $5.5 billion in mid July.
- August has seen an uptick in swap volume, likely on the back of the recent surge in ethereum and bitcoin prices and trade activity.