Yearn Explorer Hunt

    First steps into using the Yearn Finance ecosystem


    The fees associated with these transactions are also summarised.

    Note: For brevity, not all addresses associated with each transaction are not tabulated.

    After completing the transactions, you will accrue a small interest on your deposit (currently 0.63% annually).


    Review of transaction fees

    For the four transactions made, the total fees were $23.5. Most of these fees were due to transaction costs. These could be potentially minimized by swapping on a DEX.

    At the current YFI vault rate, it would take almost 90 years to pay this off - so depositing a small quantity is generally not a very wise decision!


    This dashboard explores the key steps required to start using Yearn Finance vaults:

    • Purchasing a token for investing and Ethereum for transaction fees
    • Transferring tokens into your personal wallet
    • Approval and deposit of funds into a Yearn Vault.

    For the purposes of this dashboard, we will deposit the YFI token into the YFI vault. This involves three transactions:

    1. A once off pre-approval transaction.
    2. The deposit of YFI tokens into the vault.
    3. Receipt of tokens from Yearn that keep track of your balance in the vault.

    Using Yearn Finance Vaults

    For the purpose of this exercise I purchased YFI and Ethereum on Coinbase. The funds were then transferred over to my personal wallet. The transactions are shown in the table and summarised in the chart below.

    Acquiring Yearn Finance tokens (YFI) and ethereum