Average optimism portfolio
build an average portfolio for users on optimism
Optimism with OP token is one of Ethereum layer 2 projects, which uses the Optimistic Rollup protocol to increase the transaction speed and reduce the cost in Ethereum.
there are so many space to work on this chain, so it will be interesting to know that what the users more interested in
I used this tables to label the activity or analyze the activity:
optimism.velodrome.ez_staking_actions for ==stake/unstake==
optimism.velodrome.ez_lp_actions for ==add/remove LP==
optimism.core.ez_nft_sales for ==NFT==
optimism.velodrome.ez_swaps and optimism.sushi.ez_swaps for ==swap==
optimism.core.fact_delegations for ==delegations==
optimism.core.fact_token_transfers and optimism.core.ez_eth_transfers for ==transfer==
our goal here is to build an average portfolio, so we include data such as tokens holders number of NFTs holders number to help us
All the analyses that are over Time are in weekly Timeframe and will include only the data that are after ‘2022-01-01’ and our insight will be base on that, but you can change it on above of the dashboard.
ok now almost We have a good view of an average user's portfolio:
52.7% of user activity is for transferring tokens | 8.22% of the user activity for swapping and activity like NFT/staking have les than 1% of the user activity.
Spend most of his Time on perpetual platform with 51.5% of platforms activity, if the user had more time he worked on uniswap of platforms like velodrome which have less than 10% of platforms activity
tokens bag will be consisted of ETH, OP and tokens like velo and some stablecoins like USDC and DAI
the most lovely tokens to swap their tokens to is USDC and OP
will have one or two of these NFTs in his bag and the possibility that the NFT collection that they hold will optimistic explorer or sorting like project galaxy and uniswap is high.
will pay as average 96.9 USD to buying NFTs but sometimes maybe he will pay more than that or less
Picture source: Link

the users on Optimism chain spent their TX mostly on transferring Tokens as we can see that there are 15.22M transfer transactions which constitutes 52.7% of the number of transactions. The swap activity has a share equal to 8.22% of transactions with the 2.37M. Stake and NFT activity are in the next ranks with the number of transactions of 173K and 162K transactions.
Other stats:
Adding Lp activity : 80.1K
remove LP: 40.4K
unstake: 49K
other activity: 10.6M
with all that we can say that the average user on optimism will spend most of their transactions on transfer and swap activity, and if they have more time will take a look on NFTs and delegations events and do some work on them and in the end maybe sometimes they will play with staking and LP services on platforms
what about NFT holding bag? the collection that had the highest number of holders is Optimistic Explorer with 141.9K(that is huge) holder and project Galaxy comes at the second rank with 54.6K holders.
so maybe we can say that the average users will have one or two of these NFTs in his bag and the possibility that the NFT collection that they hold will optimistic explorer or sorting like project galaxy and uniswap is high.
how much the average users spent on buying NFTs in average? 96.9 USD, that is the number that will the user give to get the NFTs that want. but this is average number maybe some weeks like Feb 7, 2022 the user spent more than 800 USD on Buying NFTs and maybe like Jun 12, 2022 spent just 12 USD on buying NFTs
what is the most loved program for the users on optimism? We can answer that easily, it is perpetual with 5.54M transactions which constitutes 51.5% of all transactions . Users also love to play with hop and uniswap some others maybe if they had more time will work on slingshot or synthetic .
If we exclude the outlier data on chain link we can say that the average users on optimism have 174 transactions on perpetual and on uniswap will have more than 20 transactions.
We can say that user also have 7.7 transactions on Velodrome.
In Top contract over time we can see that perpetual as the Top contract almost all days and that shows us how many users on optimism love this platform.
as we can see most days users spent their time on transferring tokens. As the data that are available on flipside the users show passion to swap their tokens from May 23 and
And as the days passed, the users showed more enthusiasm.
In the NFT related activities section, we can see that in the week of September 19, the activity of the users reached its highest level.
So from here we can say that the average users on optimism chain like to transferring their tokens more than other activity on most days. We also have swap, NFT and stake which in there the activity of users fluctuates and decreases, but usually the these activity continues and forms an important part
we have a good question here to answer, what is the average number of transaction that users spent on each activity?
We can see that the average users have 30 swap transactions more than others, 24.4 transfer transactions and in other events like NFT or stake and ETC have less than 10 transactions.
The average user on optimism chain make more than 20 transactions and less than 70 transactions in a week, which after Jun 6 2022, usually most of them are swap activity or transfer.
Other stats:
stake and unstake: 5.92 for stake and
NFT: 2.96 transactions
Add LP: 2.33 transactions
remove LP: 1.69 transactions
delegations: 1.11 transactions
let’s explore the holding bag of optimism users, 770K users holds ETH in their wallet which constitute 58.9% of the holders of top 10 tokens. many users have OP and USDC also snx, sds and velo have good places in users bag.
so we can say that the average user on optimism holds ETH more than other tokens and there are other tokens like OP or SNX and some stabelcoins like USDC and DAI
which tokens the users love to swap to? USDC and OP both have the highest Volume among the Top 10 tokens with 950M USD for USDC and 601M USD for OP. WETH comes at the third rank with 333M USD. so the users love to swap their tokens to stablecoin like USDC or optimism token which OP more than others.
lest see what is average Volume per user among this top 10, the average users on optimism spent more than 21K USD to swap to LUSD and 15K USD to swap to Frax.
so we can say that the average user on optimism when do their swap work love to swap their tokens to USDC or OP.