FLOW User Retention vs Other Chains


    what is Flow?

    Dapper Labs was founded in 2018 in Vancouver, Canada by Roham Gharegozlou. This company uses blockchain technology to create new opportunities for users around the world. Dapper Labs is the creator of the Flow blockchain system. Flow supports high performance ecosystems such as apps and games. Artists or bands can use FLOW tokens to create new and unique ways for their fans.

    Games and players can create value for their assets and identity. Platforms and sports fans around the world can trade digital memorabilia in a verified, authentic and copyright-compliant manner.

    why retention is very important parameter for a chain?

    What good is a new user when you can't keep it? It is true. It is of no use. In addition to attracting new users, a chain must provide an environment and facilities that will force its previous users to continue working on the network. Therefore, we will see in this dashboard how much FLOW users are willing to be active in the network and how often this activity usually happens, and of course we will compare the results with the results of other Layer-1 Chains.


    Necessary Information:

    1. For retention in Transcations section I compared Flow with Ethereum, BNB Chain and Solana and for NFT Purchase section I excluded BNB chain and the comparison was just between Flow, Ethereum and Solana.
    2. I used transcations and NFT_sales tables that flipsidecrypto provide for all the chains
    3. the start date for this dashboard is ‘2022-01-01’ so all the numbers that you will see below are base on that

    our approach for answering the bounty questions

    we will have 5 sections:

    1. Monthly active Users/Buyers:

      Here we will compare the monthly number of active users/buyers of chains, and then we will see which chain had the largest share of users in each month.

    2. Users/buyers Frequency:

      Here, we categorize users/buyers based on the number of transactions they had in order to find out which category had the most share and whether a particular chain was able to achieve special and significant results.

    3. New Vs Returning Users/buyers:

      Here, we divide the number of monthly active users/buyers into two categories: new users/buyers and returning users/buyers. In fact, returning users/buyers are the users/buyers whose first transaction/sale was in previous months, and now they are active again. The increase of returned users/buyers in a month can be a sign of a chain's good performance in re-attracting its current users/buyers.

    4. The relationship between the Time duration between the first and second transaction with the number of users:

      We categorized the users based on the time interval between their first transaction and the second transaction to see which category has more users.

    5. The relationship between the distance from the first month of activity and the number of returned users:

      We considered all the new users/buyers who were active this year and considered the first month of their activity as month = 0, then we determined how many users/buyers were active in month = 1 or the second month of their activity. In the same way, we went to the month=11 or the 12th month after their first activity.

    1. New Vs Returning Users


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. In November, FLOW managed to register 4.8M returning users, which is very high compared to the rest of us.
    2. In June, it managed to attract 3.05M new users, which is a significant number compared to other months

    insights and conclusion:

    In terms of the activity of return users, Solana and BSC were able to show the best performance in the previous months except for November, but in November it was FLOW that was able to have the largest share of 89% of the activity of return users.

    1. The relationship between the distance from the first month of activity and the number of returned users


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. 33% of FLOW users return to resume their activity in the fifth month after their first month of activity
    2. Only 0.43% of users return to FLOW 11 months after their first month of activity

    insights and conclusion:

    In month=1 to 3 Flow did not perform well compared to the others, but it was able to record the best performance in the fourth to eighth months. this sudden interest to users to be active fifth months after, is because some events that were able to attract them

    1. Monthly Active users
    1. Users Frequency


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    Flow highest monthly active users: 5.45M active users on NOV (3rd rank)

    Flow the highest share from active users: 22.41% on NOV

    insights and conclusion:

    In this section, where we compared the number of monthly active users of Chains, it can be clearly seen that in all the months of 2022, it was BSC that was able to register more users and FLOW had the last rank in most months, but in November, we had a sudden and significant jump that brought the number of active FLOW users even to the level of Ethereum. This sudden jump had several reasons, the most important reason is the activity of new gaming platforms across FLOW chain, which have been able to attract many users.


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. flow had the highest share of users with TX count between 5 and 25
    2. flow has the lowest share of users with TX count less than 5

    insights and conclusion:

    From the above numbers, we can conclude that flow users are less interested than others in having fewer transactions, or better to say, Flow was better able to convince users to have more transactions than 5.

    Thanks For your time

    Twitter: Abbas_ra21

    date: 2022-12-19

    Section NO.1: Transactions

    Section NO.2: NFT purchase

    1. Monthly active buyers


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. the highest monthly unique buyers number for flow was on Feb with 122K buyers


    insights and conclusion:

    In all months of the year, FLOW has the lowest number of buyers and Ethereum has the highest number. In addition, we see a downward trend in the number of buyers in FLOW and Ethereum, while in Solana we see a negative trend, although in the last three months the number of NFT buyers has decreased sharply.

    1. buyers Frequency


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. the highest monthly unique buyers number for flow was on Feb with 122K buyers


    insights and conclusion:

    In all months of the year, FLOW has the lowest number of buyers and Ethereum has the highest number. In addition, we see a downward trend in the number of buyers in FLOW and Ethereum, while in Solana we see a negative trend, although in the last three months the number of NFT buyers has decreased sharply.

    1. Monthly New Vs Returning buyers


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. for FLOW In most months, above 80% of the unique buyers are returned buyers and not new


    insights and conclusion:

    in all the months, it was FLOW that was able to have the largest share of the returned buyers purchase.

    1. The relationship between the distance from the first month of activity and the number of returned buyers

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    1. The relationship between the Time duration between the first and second transaction with the number of users


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. Almost 6 million users (over 90%) had another transaction in less than an hour after their first transaction in 2022.

    insights and conclusion:

    flow has the largest share of users who registered their second transaction under one hour, and Ethereum ranks last in this regard. Of that, the share of users who register their second transaction after 90 days is higher in Ethereum than in other chains.

    1. The relationship between the duration of the first and second transaction with the number of buyers


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. 39% of FLOW NFT buyers return to resume activity in their second month of activity

    2. 4.24% of users return to FLOW 11 months after their first month of activity


    insights and conclusion:

    in all the months, it was FLOW that was able to have the largest share of the returned buyers higher than BSC and Solana


    Noticeable numbers and observations:

    1. 58K users buy again in less than an hour after their first purchase, the share of these users is higher than any other category.
    2. For Ethereum, most users tend to buy again 1 to 7 days after their first purchase.

    insights and conclusion:

    NFT buyers in Solana and FLOW are most likely to buy again in the shortest time after their first purchase, on the other hand, in Ethereum we see that buyers often wait at least a full day before making a new purchase.