Most Common Transactions

    Q1: What are the most common transactions for Metamask users? Q2: What are the most common platforms for those activities?

    1. introduction

    > ## what is metamask?

    Metamask is one of the most popular wallets based on Ethereum blockchain. This wallet is your gateway to the DeFi ecosystem, NFT tokens and more.

    3. Method

    1- to find out the most activity we used the ethereum.event_logs table and EVENT_NAME column

    2- for the platforms I used the ethereum.udm_events table


    This graph shows us after the approval and transfer activities, the swap has advantage to the others


    With this graph we find out that highest used platform are uniswap,coinbase and OpeanSea


    1-we find out that high amount of activity that users of Metamask do are related to NFT and OpenSea NFT marketplace, because of that OpenSea is the third on the most used platform graph.

    2. Questions

    1. what are the most Common Transactions?
    2. What are the most used platforms for doing these Transactions?