NEAR Performance
Analyze NEAR Performance and compare it to other L1 chains
Near is a public, sharded, extensible blockchain network based on the proof-of-stake (POS) paradigm. Developers can use this platform to launch their own decentralized applications (similar to the Ethereum network). The token of this network is called NEAR, which is the functional token of this network.
I chose BNB chain, FLOW and Ethereum to compare them to NEAR
the start date of daily analyzes is 2022-06-15
For calculating transactions per minute (TPM) for all chains, I used blocks table and TX_COUNT column. If we add all the number in this column for a day together and divide it by 1440 the result will be TPM number
for failed TX rate, I calculated the failed TX number and then i divided it by the total number of TX. I used
transactions table for all the chains
I calculate the daily unique user and daily number of TX with transactions table for all chains
here we presented daily Failed TX rate and Total one
Near Compare to other chains that is here has very high and highest Failed TX rate which is 13.306 percent
in daily also we have high failed TX rate and this number even does not decrease by time
Ethereum has the lowest Failed TX rate