optimism network is a layer2 solution that is created to solve the scalability problems of the Ethereum network. The Optimism Network uses optimistic solutions (Optimistic Roll-up) to increase scalability. In this solution, optimism network by collecting and executing transactions on its network and sending them in a compact manner and in the form of a transaction to the Ethereum network, causes the scalability, speed of transactions and their Fee to be significantly reduced.
what is DEX?
Decentralized exchange or DEX is a platform designed based on smart contracts. In these exchanges, there is no need for a third party to monitor transactions, and money is transferred between people's wallets. \n
contract and summary on how I collected the data:
With the help of contracts addresses and a little decoding, I was able to create a query that can collect all the swaps information related to the three platforms Rubicon, Clipper and Beethoven, plus Velodrome and Sushi Swap, whose information is provided with tables That flipside has been providing. I have to confirm that this query is a complete table that contains information such as the amount of the swap in USD and tokens, along with the address of the swapped tokens and their symbols.
Query: Link
our approach: for answering the bounty questions:
we have 6 sections which are Volume, swaps number, swappers, average and distribution of swap size, Top 10 pairs and Top 10 symbols swapped to or from:
We review all the Visualized data related to the volume, such as the daily volume or the average volume per day and others.
swaps number: how many swaps per day for each platform or other stats
swappers: we will go deep in the users who swap on each platform and analyze valuable data like frequency of swappers
average and distribution of swap size: beside the average we will categorize the swaps base on their size and analyze them in Total and daily for each platform
Top 10 pairs: Top 10 base on Volume/swaps number/swappers number
Top 10 symbols: Top 10 base on Volume/Swaps number/swappers number
some necessary definition base on provided data:
==Frequency of swappers:== It means the number of swaps for each swapper
==average volume/day:== Total Volume/number of passed days
==Average volume/swapper==: Total Volume/unique swappers number
All the Volume number are in USD
All daily graphs contain only the last month
I used all the available data on flipside
our insight will be base on daily Timeframe.
some graphs are presented in Log scale
In the overall volume, it can be well seen that Velodrome definitely recorded the largest volume with more than 2.3B USD, which is very large compared to other competitors. in the second place there is Beethoven platform with only 7M USD. By comparing these two numbers, you can see the huge difference, and In the last month, Velodrome recorded a volume of 195M USD, 138 times more than Rubicon, which is in the second place with 1.41M USD, we also have platforms like Clipper with a volume of 1.27M, Beethoven with 946K and SushiSwap in the last place with 249K.
In the daily statistics, we strongly witness the superiority of Velodrome, as it recorded a volume higher than 2M USD on all days, while the rest of the platform recorded numbers below 100K on almost all days, it should be noted that the Volume share of Velodrome is also higher than 95% on all days and no particular growth can be seen in the share of other platforms. Although Velodrome is the leader in numbers and figures, there is no reason to ignore the growth of other platforms over time, and it can be clearly seen that in the cumulative graph, the volume of all platforms are in a good upward trend, and this upward trend is stronger for Sushi Swap.
In the average volume per day, it can be seen that Veloderm is higher than the rest of the platform both at all times and in the last month with numbers such as 15M USD per day for all time and 6.29M USD in the last month. Of course, by comparing these two numbers, we can also understand the drop of this average, in the case that for the Rubicon platform, we have seen a higher average in the last month compared to all times, and this can be called the daily volume growth in this platform. We cannot see such a situation for other platforms
In the average volume for each swapper, we also see the lead of Velodrome, although the average of the last month is very low compared to the whole time.
Here, Velodrome is not the Top as before, and we see that in all time Beethoven platform has the highest average swap size with a number close to 350 USD, and it is almost 2 times the second place, Velodrome with 162.9 USD. This advantage of Beethoven in the last month is still maintained, and it is in the first place with 146.2 USD. In the all-time Rubicon,and in the last month, Sushi Swap has the lowest average swap size
In daily average of swap size, we see a very close competition between two platforms, Beethoven and Velodrome, and these two have the highest average on almost all days.
In all platforms except Sushi Swap, swaps with a size between 10 and 100 USD have the highest number, and the next rank is swaps with a size below 10 USD. In Sushi Swap, this is the opposite, and the number of swaps below 10 USD is the highest In the percentage graph, we can also see that we see swaps with a size above 1M USD in Velodrome only.
- Based on volume, in Sushi Swap and Beethoven, OP/WETH has the largest volume, and in Clipper and Rubicon, we see that USDC/WETH has the largest volume. But in Velodrome, it is OP/USDC that has the highest volume
- Looking in general, we can see that if we consider all three parameters at once, USDC/WETH has the best performance among the pairs.
- The platforms have a lot in common in the top pairs, such as the fact that in most of them there are several pairs that have the OP token in them, or that in most of them have pairs like USDC/USDT in the top ranks.
- Velodrome recorded 14.4M transactions at all times and 1.56M transactions in the last month, it is ahead of its competitors by a large margin
- Velodrome recorded the highest number of transactions in all days And usually Rubicon is next
- The growth of the number of daily transactions in SushiSwap has been faster than others
- Velodrome is the top in this part as well, but its difference with the next ranks is not as much we see in volume or the number of swap transactions, in all time, Velodrome with 84.3K swappers is almost 3 times more than Rubicon in second place with 30K swappers. And this difference has decreased in the last month, so that Velodrome with 40.8K swappers is less than twice the second place which is Rubicon with 22.5K swappers.
- In the daily statistics, Velodrome is the leader, but this lead is not as much as the statistics of the number of swap transactions or the volume.
- Sushi Swap has much lower statistics compared to your competitors
- In almost all platforms, most users have less than 10 swap transactions, but the percentage of these users is the lowest in Velodrome 76.4% of users have less than 10 swaps, while this number is 85% for SushiSwap and higher than 90% for the rest. The interesting thing about Rubicon is that 99% of users belong to this category
- Velodrome recorded a volume higher than 2M USD on all days, while the rest of the platform recorded numbers below 100K on almost all days
- In the last month, Velodrome recorded a volume of 195M USD, 138 times more than Rubicon, which is in the second place with 1.41M USD
- the difference in Volume between Velodrome and OTOH platforms is huge
- Velodrome recorded the highest number of transactions in all days And usually Rubicon is next
- The growth of the number of daily transactions in SushiSwap has been faster than others
- Velodrome has higher number of swappers
- Velodrome 76.4% of users have less than 10 swaps, while this number is 85% for SushiSwap and higher than 90% for the rest
- in all time Beethoven platform has the highest average swap size with a number close to 350 USD, and it is almost 2 times the second place, Velodrome with 162.9 USD
- It is only in the velodrome and Beethoven that we see a number of swaps between 10K and 100K in size.
- sushiswap is almost the losers in all stats here
- in most platforms there are several pairs that have the OP token in them, or that in most of them have pairs like USDC/USDT in the top ranks.
- sushiswap is almost the losers in all stats here
- for both swap to and from the interesting thing in all statistics is that USDC, OP and WETH are usually in the first ranks
Thanks For, your Time
Twitter: Abbas_ra21
date; 2022-10-26

- in last month, the share and number of swaps with size between 10 and 100 USD were very high in Rubicon, so that it has recorded the highest daily share for this size among all platforms in most days
- It is only in the velodrome and Beethoven that we see a number of swaps between 10K and 100K in size.
- In general, Sushi Swap shows the highest percentages in the statistics of swaps with small size, so it can be concluded that most of the people who work in this platform are small wallets.