Quix vs Magic Eden vs OpenSea

    Comparison between Opensea, quix and magic eden


    what we aim to provide here :

    • Volume:

      1. Total Volume and sales number
      2. sales Volume over Time (USD)
      3. Cumulative Volume Over Time (USD)
      4. sales number over Time
      5. cumulative sales number
    • Platform Fee

      1. Total Payed Fee (USD)
      2. Fee amounts over Time (USD)
      3. cumulative Fe amounts over Time (USD)
    • Collections

      1. Top 5 collection By Volume (USD)
      2. daily Top collection by Volume (USD)
    • Sales Size distribution

      1. daily sales size distribution
      2. daily average, median and dispersion of sales size
    • Platform Demographic

      1. users Demographic


    • what are these three platforms ?

      OpenSea, quix and magic eden are global marketplaces for buying and selling NFTs. In these platforms, you can buy and sell and exchange all these NFTs with people around the world. Quix support Optimism, magic eden support solana and Opensea supported various chains but the main one is Ethereum


    I used solana.core.fact_nft_sales table To get magic eden transaction information, for OpenSea the table was ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales and for quix I used optimism.core.ez_nft_sales table

    All the Volumes and numbers are in USD.

    I chose between 2022-07-01' and '2022-09-24' as duration for all analyzes here

    I put together all the data related to these three platform and my observational approach will be based on the comparison of the two.

    my observation will be base on daily Timeframe but you change the timeframe on the above of the dashboard

    rules for demography (all number are in USD):

    when BALANCE <= 10 then 'shrimp'

    when BALANCE > 10 and BALANCE <= 100 then 'crab'

    when BALANCE > 100 and BALANCE <= 1000 then 'Octopus'

    when BALANCE > 1000 and BALANCE <= 10000 then 'Fish'

    when BALANCE > 10000 and BALANCE <= 100000 then 'dolphin'

    when BALANCE > 100000 and BALANCE <= 1000000 then 'shark'

    when BALANCE > 1000000 then 'whales'

    the platform fee for opensea and quix is 2.5% and for magic eden is 2% of sales Volume


    OpenSea's users have paid the highest amount of fee to the platform among the three platforms with 32.83M USD almost 700% higher than Magic Eden that comes at the second rank with 4.52M USD. We have also quix which come at the last with only 49.35K USD

    in the daily stats also we can see that Opensea had the highest amount of fee on all the days, And this shows that the income of a platform like Opensea is very high compared to other platforms.

    From the cumulative graph we can see that total amount of collected fee increase faster in quix compare to other 2 platforms

    2. Platform Fee

    1. Volume


    as we could predict, OpenSea Has the highest Volume among the three platforms with 1.3B USD almost 500% higher than Magic Eden that comes at the second rank with 226M USD. We have also quix which come at the last with only 174K USD

    in sales number section, we have magic Eden as the Top platform among the three with 6.77M sales 23% higher than OpenSea with 5.47M sales. At last quix comes at the second rank with 16.281K sales

    from the above numbers we can conclude two things:

    1. in magic eden there are many sales more than openSea but most of them with low Volume
    2. Optimism and quix will have a hard way to reach what other two platforms reached

    first lest say something clearly, quix is not comparable in Volume and sales number to OpenSea and magic eden at all right now, from the first of July to the end OpenSea had the highest Volumes on all days and I don’t think that will change in the near future, the highest Volume for Open Sea was on Aug 10 with 25.62M USD, for magic Eden the highest Volume was on Sep 6 with 9.86M USD and for quix the highest Volume was on Sep 21 with 536.55K

    in the last days we can see some high Volumes for quix but still not comparable to other 2 platforms.

    In sale number section, magic eden take Opensea place as the highest at almost all days except the first days of July, the highest sales number for magic eden was on Sep 7 with 257.3K sales, and for opensea was on Jul 10 with 94.9K sales, we can see clearly that the lower fee of Solana chain had his effect on these stats. Quix recently had a high number of sales which the highest was on Sep 23 with 5.1K, but again this is not high as much was on opensea and magic eden

    here we have one main observation:

    By paying close attention to the climbing slopes, we can see that Quix has the highest climbing slope and this shows that the speed of volume and sales number increase in this platform is higher than the two platforms. Next we have Magic Eden which is faster than openSea


    • OpenSea Has the highest Volume among the three platforms with 1.3B USD almost 500% higher than Magic Eden that comes at the second rank
    • in n sales number section, we have magic Eden as the Top platform among the three with 6.77M sales 23% higher than OpenSea with 5.47M sales
    • quix has a low Volume and sales number compare to other 2 platforms
    • in magic eden there are many sales more than openSea but most of them with low Volume
    • the highest Volume for Open Sea was on Aug 10 with 25.62M USD, for magic Eden the highest Volume was on Sep 6 with 9.86M USD and for quix the highest Volume was on Sep 21 with 536.55K
    • recently we can see some high Volumes for quix but still not comparable to other 2 platforms.
    • the highest sales number for magic eden was on Sep 7 with 257.3K sales, and for opensea was on Jul 10 with 94.9K sales and for quix the highest was on Sep 23 with 5.1K, but again this is not high as much was on opensea and magic eden
    • speed of volume and sales number increase in quix is higher than the two platforms
    • OpenSea's users have paid the highest amount of fee to the platform among the three platforms with 32.83M USD and Opensea had the highest amount of fee on all the day
    • The volume values between the top ranks in Opensea do not differ as much as in Magic eden and quix
    • opensea: Bored Ape Yacht Club had the highest Volume with 60.65M USD
    • magic eden: abc had the highest Volume with 11.18M USD
    • quix: optimistic explorer had the highest Volume with 234.36K USD
    • In recent days, we have seen a high volume for the Optimistic Explorer Collection on Quix
    • the highest average sale size on quix is closer to Opensea than magic eden and in the recent days we can see high average sale sizes in it which I think is related to Optimistic explorer collection
    • sales with size greater than $100 on opensea has a higher share than magic eden and quix Almost all time
    • the sales size with less than $10 had a higher share in quix almost all days
    • There are no whales in magic eden and quix users unlike opensea which there are 40 whales
    • in magic eden and quix, most of the users activities are related to one or two of categories which are shrimps and crab

    Thanks for your Time.

    Discord and Twitter : Abbas_ra21

    Date: 2022-09-28

    3. Collections


    On Opensea side we can see that Bored Ape Yacht Club had the highest Volume with 60.65M USD almost 20% higher than the second rank which is otherside with 50.95M USD. On the other side we have magic eden, we can see that abc had the highest Volume with 11.18M USD almost 15% higher than the second rank which is degods with 9.71M USD. We also have quix here which in this platform optimistic explorer had the highest Volume with 234.36K USD almost 100% higher than apetimism that comes at the second rank

    The volume values between the top ranks in Opensea do not differ as much as in Magic eden and quix

    in Top collection Over time there are some interesting insight that we can catch from these graphs:

    1. In recent days, we have seen a high volume for the Optimistic Explorer Collection on Quix, these numbers are very high compare to other top collections over Time
    2. the first half of Sep was very good for abc collection on Magic eden which was the top collection almost all days
    3. The variety of collections that have the highest volume per day in Opensea is very large, and it is very rare that a collection can have the highest volume for more than 3 or 4 days in a row.

    4. Sales Size distribution


    Opensea :

    Highest average sale size was on Jul 20 with 387.1 USD.

    Most disperse week was Aug 17.

    Magic Eden :

    Highest average sale size was on Sep 6 week with 108.6 USD.

    Most disperse week was Sep 1.

    Quix :

    Highest average sale size was on Sep 14 with almost 271 USD.

    Most disperse week was Sep 14.

    These numbers are not as far apart as we thought, opensea numbers just almost 3 times higher than magic eden. But we have surprise here which is quix, the highest average sale size on quix is closer to Opensea than magic eden and in the recent days we can see high average sale sizes in this platform which I think is related to Optimistic explorer collection

    5. Platform Demographic


    • in all three platforms shrimps have the highest number and share, for opensea 36.7% of users are shrimp and for magic eden and quix this number is higher which is 46.5% for magic and 55.8% for quix .

    • There are no whales in magic eden and quix users unlike opensea which there are 40 whales

    • we can conclude that :

      1. on opensea The activity between different categories of users is almost evenly distributed
      2. But in magic eden and quix, most of the users activities are related to one or two of categories which are shrimps and crap


    some insight that I found in these graphs:

    • the sales size with less than $10 had a higher share in quix almost all days
    • most weeks the highest share for magic eden belongs to between $10 and $100 and less than $10
    • sales with size greater than $100 on opensea has a higher share than magic eden and quix Almost all time
    • recently sales size greater than $10 increased in quix platform, and even we can see some sale size greater than 1K USD