Updated 2023-03-15
    with main as( SELECT
    instruction:accounts as user,
    COALESCE(inner_instruction:instructions[4]:parsed:info:lamports * POWER(10, -9), 0) AS platform_fee,
    COALESCE(inner_instruction:instructions[5]:parsed:info:lamports * POWER(10, -9), 0) AS collection_royalty
    FROM solana.core.fact_events e
    LEFT JOIN solana.core.dim_labels l ON l.address = inner_instruction:instructions[0]:parsed:info:mint::string
    where instruction:programId = 'hausS13jsjafwWwGqZTUQRmWyvyxn9EQpqMwV1PBBmk'
    'opensea' as platform,
    '0% royalty' as royalty,
    count(tx_id) as tx_count,
    count(DISTINCT user) as user_count
    from main
    where collection_royalty = '0'
    and platform_fee = '0'
    group by 1,2
    'opensea' as platform,
    'more than 0% royalty' as royalty,
    count(tx_id) as tx_count,
    count(DISTINCT user) as tx_count
    from main
    where collection_royalty > '0'
    and platform_fee > '0'
    group by 1,2
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