Algorand Competitive advantages Algorand NFTs Atomic Transfer Sales

    Q104. On Algorand there is a functionality called the atomic swap(or atomic transfer) which allows you to safely sell an asset to a buyer without the need of a marketplace. One place to perform this is Using and as references let's look at atomic transfer volumes for NFTs in 2022. Show the number of NFT atomic transfers and the ALGO volume for these sales by day in 2022. Further breakdown these atomic transfer sales into ARC3 and ARC69 sales. What were the top ten most expensive atomic transfer sales in 2022? What wallets are participating most in atomic transfer sales-both buying and selling? Tips: User NFTexplorer and asalytics stats as a ALGO volume guide for atomic transfer sales NFT Atomic Transfer Example: All NFTs have a supply of 1 and 0 decimal places For NFTs configured to the arc69 stanard, look at asset_configuration transactions such as 6Z5R47GSIMQC4JDCTRAPLPC5BTNCC5K5DJ2QKSACW4KV5RZFZDQQ and decode the note using