Avalanche's Struct Finance

    Explore an in-depth analysis of the Struct Finance on the Avalanche chain. This dashboard delves into key metrics, providing insights into the platform's vaults, contributors, unique features, and its significance in the evolving landscape of decentralized finance on Avalanche.

    Welcome to the Avalanche's Struct Finance Analysis

    Delve into the intricacies with metrics like the number of vaults, depositors, and withdrawers, providing a snapshot of user engagement. Track the dynamic movements in deposits, withdrawals, and claims volume for a nuanced understanding of transactional activity. Gauge the platform's strength through Total Value Locked (TVL), intelligently dissected by pool and tranche, offering a granular perspective on asset distribution. Elevate your analysis with specific wallet and specific vault examinations, tailoring insights to individual entities. Witness the aggregated overview and follow the evolution of these metrics over time, painting a vivid picture of Struct Finance's growth and resilience in the ever-evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

    • All data within the dashboard is configured to undergo daily updates, ensuring that the information is refreshed and accurate every 24 hours.

    • Credit to legendary Avalanche Ambassador, Ali Taslimi, for crucial code contributions shaping the analysis. His expertise has been instrumental for me in refining the functionality of this dashboard.

    • Check out my exclusive tweet for this analysis!



    Struct Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform built on the Avalanche blockchain. It facilitates various financial activities by offering users the ability to create and manage vaults, which are smart contract-based structures that manage pooled assets and execute predefined strategies.

    Vaults in Struct Finance are some fundamental components of the decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. They are smart contract-based structures designed to manage pooled assets and execute predefined financial strategies. Vaults play a crucial role in the platform's functionality by providing a secure and automated way for users to contribute their assets and participate in various decentralized financial activities.

    Tranches in the context of Struct Finance refers to a portion or slice of a financial product. These tranches can be categorized as either fixed or variable, each with its own characteristics and risk-return profiles. Essentially, tranches enable users to choose and participate in different risk levels within a pool.

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    Dashboard by Ali3N

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