Everyone Needs a 1-of-1

    Exchange Art is the leading digital art marketplace on Solana for 1-of-1 art and fine digital art. This category has been rising on Solana as more artists have realized the ease and low costs of launching digital art on Solana. Create a dashboard diving into the key growth metrics of Exchange Art over time. How has the marketplace grown over time and how does that compare to the general NFT growth on Solana? Does it appear that 1-of-1 art is popular among many users on Solana, or is it primarily collected by select individuals? Are most users on Exchange Art whales or art lovers or both? Are there any unique purchasing behavior patterns that you see out of wallets that buy art on Exchange Art? What does the average price look like on Exchange Art and is there more of an appetite for high end pieces? How does the holding period of NFTs bought on Exchange Art compare to that of Magic Eden? Are users truly collecting or are they still interested in short term flipping? What wallets have been most profitable on Exchange Art and what has their strategy been so far?