Ali3NDistribution of Thorchain Swaps By Volume Specific Chain
    Updated 2024-10-07
    /*with pricet as (
    select hour::date as day,
    avg (price) as usdprice
    from avalanche.price.ez_prices_hourly
    group by 1,2)*/

    select case when from_amount_usd < 10 then '<$10'
    when from_amount_usd >= 10 and from_amount_usd < 100 then '$10 - $100'
    when from_amount_usd >= 100 and from_amount_usd < 1000 then '$100 - $1,000'
    when from_amount_usd >= 1000 and from_amount_usd < 10000 then '$1,000 - $10,000'
    else '>$10,000' end as type,
    count (Distinct tx_Id) as Swaps
    from thorchain.defi.fact_swaps
    where block_timestamp >= '{{Start_Date}}' and block_timestamp <= '{{End_Date}}'
    and blockchain ilike '{{Blockchain}}'
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc

    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived