Amy-G0sBO5assets have been bridged the most
    Updated 2022-06-22
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp::date) as "Date",
    when ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = '0x3666f603cc164936c1b87e207f36beba4ac5f18a' then 'Hop Protocol: USDC Bridge'
    when ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = '0x3e4a3a4796d16c0cd582c382691998f7c06420b6' then 'Hop Protocol: USDT Bridge'
    when ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = '0x22b1cbb8d98a01a3b71d034bb899775a76eb1cc2' then 'Hop Protocol: MATIC Bridge'
    else 'Hop Protocol: DAI Bridge' end as "Bridge",
    count(distinct ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS) as "Daily Number of Unique Wallets",
    sum(amount) as "Daily Amount Bridged",
    sum(amount_usd) as "Daily Amount Bridged (USD Scale)"
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS in (
    and block_Timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - 180
    group by 1 , 2
    order by 1)

    union all

    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp::date) as "Date",
    when ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS = '0xb8901acb165ed027e32754e0ffe830802919727f' then 'Hop Protocol: ETH Bridge'
    end as "Bridge",
    count(distinct ORIGIN_FROM_ADDRESS) as "Daily Number of Unique Wallets",
    sum(amount) as "Daily Amount Bridged",
    sum(amount_usd) as "Daily Amount Bridged (USD Scale)"
    from ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
    where ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS in ('0xb8901acb165ed027e32754e0ffe830802919727f')
    and block_Timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - 180
    group by 1 , 2
    order by 1)
    Run a query to Download Data