AndyCoolHolders Of At least 1 NFT
    Updated 2022-05-23
    with holders AS (
    select aa.address, sum(amount) as amount
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.account_asset aa
    inner join flipside_prod_db.algorand.account a on a.address = aa.address
    where asset_id IN (
    select distinct asset_id as assetID from flipside_prod_db.algorand.asset_configuration_transaction
    where try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) like '%arc69%'
    or try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) like '%#arc3%'
    and account_closed = 'false'
    group by aa.address

    aaa as (
    SELECT amount, count(amount) as number
    FROM holders
    where amount > 0
    GROUP BY 1)
    select sum(number) from aaa

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