Curve 3pool Analysis

    Curve Finance is a decentralized exchange built on Ethereum blockchain and allows Ethereum users exchange ERC tokens through it with low fees and low slippage. It provides liquidity pools for users to pool their assets together and earn fees on trades that occur on within these pools without suffering from high fees or market volatility. One of such pool is the 3Pool. 3Pool consists of three Stablecoins: USDC, DAI and USDT. The pool allows users to trade between these Stablecoins with very low slippage and fees. Very recently the Aave tokens (aUSDT and aUSDC) were added to the 3Pool but in this analysis we would be focusing on the three major Stablecoins. In this dashboard, we want to take a deep-dive into the activities that took place in the pool for the month of February. Some metrics we would be looking at: - Total Number of Users - Number of Transactions and Swap Volume - Swap Volume - Number of Daily Active Users - Most Swapped Token Pair. - Daily number of users adding and removing Liquidity - Daily Balance of each Stablecoins at the end of the day. - Daily Average Transaction fees