BlockTracker2024-05-27 12:58 AM
    Updated 2024-05-27
    select *

    from aptos.core.fact_changes
    where success
    and change_type = 'write_resource'
    and inner_change_type = '0x1::stake::StakePool'
    and block_timestamp > current_date - 7
    limit 10

    select *
    from aptos.core.fact_events
    where tx_hash = '0xe9edbea4e0305c50e42db68a465e209641c928e411a7653be47f1ffadee4bb78'
    and block_timestamp::date >= current_date - 1

    select event_resource ,
    from aptos.core.fact_events
    where event_address = '0xc0deb00c405f84c85dc13442e305df75d1288100cdd82675695f6148c7ece51c'
    group by 1

    select event_type,
    from aptos.core.fact_events
    --where tx_hash = '0xe6e098975206a102f3f74d31a40fe9bbea9d783f279da86327e98044f42b4069'
    where block_timestamp::date >= current_date - 7
    and event_data : pool_address = '0xa651c7c52d64a2014379902bbc92439d196499bcc36d94ff0395aa45837c66db'
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc

    select event_module,
    from aptos.core.fact_events
    --where tx_hash = '0xe6e098975206a102f3f74d31a40fe9bbea9d783f279da86327e98044f42b4069'
    where block_timestamp > current_date - 7
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived