BlockTrackerBreaking down usage
    Updated 2023-09-04
    --Average + median swap amount
    --% of users who have used Squid more than once
    --Overall % of expressed vs. regular transactions **
    --Broken down by chain
    --Broken down by tx size (<$10, $10-250, $250-$1000, >1000)

    with users_more_than_one as (
    count(DISTINCT tx_hash) as n_txs
    FROM axelar.core.ez_squid
    GROUP BY 1
    HAVING n_txs >=2
    tx_size as (
    CASE when amount<10 then '<$10'
    when amount >= 10 AND amount<250 then '$10-250'
    when amount >=250 AND amount < 1000 then '$250-$1000'
    else '>1000' end as direction
    FROM axelar.core.ez_squid

    source_chain ||' --> ' || destination_chain as chain_pair,
    count(DISTINCT a.sender) as total_users,
    count(DISTINCT b.sender) as user_more_than_one_txs,
    AVG(amount) as avg_volume,
    PERCENTILE_CONT(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY amount) as median_volume,
    sum(amount) as volume
    FROM axelar.core.ez_squid a
    LEFT JOIN users_more_than_one b using(sender)
    LEFT JOIN tx_size c using(sender)
    GROUP BY 1 , 2
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