BlockTrackeradd gas_used to existing query
    Updated 2023-08-25
    avg(gas_used) as "Avg.Gas_Used",
    avg(tx_fee) as "Avg.tx_fee",
    avg(amount_in/amount_out) as "Avg.Exch Rate",
    median(amount_in/amount_out) as "Median.Exch Rate",
    count(DISTINCT a.tx_hash) as "number_of_swaps",
    count (DISTINCT a.origin_from_address) as "Number of Swappers"
    FROM {{chain}}.core.ez_dex_swaps a
    LEFT JOIN {{chain}}.core.fact_transactions b using(tx_hash)
    WHERE token_in LIKE lower('{{token_in}}') AND token_out LIKE lower('{{token_out}}')
    AND a.block_timestamp > dateadd('month', -1*{{last_n_months}}, current_date)
    AND a.block_timestamp < current_date
    AND amount_out >0
    AND platform != 'curve' --excluded as it has a problem in WETH/USDC convertion rate
    GROUP BY platform
    HAVING "number_of_swaps" > 10
    ORDER BY "Avg.Gas_Used"

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